For Friendship Force members worldwide, World Friendship Day is important as it reflects the organization’s core mission of fostering global understanding and bridging the cultural divides and barriers that separate people. As the day approaches, members are encouraged to plan celebrations and activities throughout the month of March that embody the spirit of friendship and showcase the power of cultural exchange.

What and when is World Friendship Day? 

World Friendship Day is observed each year on March 1st, marking the date that Friendship Force International was officially established. On March 1st, 1977, President Jimmy Carter introduced the organization’s mission to a group of state governors at the White House, asking them to return to their states and identify a volunteer leader who would serve as State Director for the Friendship Force in their state. Now, every March 1st is an opportunity to honor the connections that enrich our lives. 

Ways to Celebrate World Friendship Day:

Looking for ideas to celebrate World Friendship Day and spread the message of friendship? Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

  •  Host a Dinner: Invite friends, family, and fellow Friendship Force members to share a meal. Encourage guests to bring a dish from their culture to create a truly international feast.
  • Organize Cultural Exchange: Partner with local schools, community centers, or cultural organizations to host a cultural exchange event where participants can learn about different traditions, languages, and customs from around the world.
  • Plan a Service Project: Make a positive impact in your community by organizing a volunteer service project focused on promoting inclusivity and understanding among diverse groups.
  • Connect Virtually: In today’s digital age, distance is no barrier to friendship. Use technology to connect with Friendship Force members from around the world through virtual meetups.
  • Share Your Stories: Take the opportunity to reflect on your own experiences with Friendship Force and share your stories of friendship and cultural exchange with us at [email protected]! Whether through writing, photography, or storytelling, your narratives can inspire others to join the global friendship movement. 
How did our FF Members celebrate last year in 2024?

FF of Toronto, Canada volunteered at a local food bank as this is their yearly tradition. Afterwards, they gathered for dinner together.

FF of La Serena, Chile hosted a party at one of their member’s houses. 

FF of Los Angeles, California, USA hosted a virtual Happy Hour Event over Zoom to share their member’s favorite FF memories.

FF of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA held a membership drive to introduce Friendship Force to friends and their local community.

Here is how some of our other members celebrated:

However you choose to celebrate World Friendship Day, the important thing is to embrace the spirit of friendship by extending kindness, compassion, and understanding to others. Through coming together as a global community, Friendship Force members can continue to play their part in making the world a more connected and harmonious place, one friendship at a time.

Please send photos and descriptions of your World Friendship Day activities to FFI at [email protected]. We’d love to see them and share them in our April post!

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