

Bangladesh • China • India • Indonesia • Japan • Korea • Malaysia • Mongolia • Myanmar • Nepal • Sri Lanka • Taiwan • Thailand • Vietnam

South Pacific

Australia • New Caledonia • New Zealand

Latin America

Brazil • Chile • Colombia • Costa Rica • Mexico • Peru

Middle East & Africa

Egypt • Ghana • Israel • Kenya • Sierra Leone • South Africa • Tanzania • Uganda

North America

United States • Canada

Europe & Eurasia

Austria • Azerbaijan • Belgium • France  • Germany • Hungary • Moldova • Romania • Russia • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom

Our clubs consist of volunteers from all walks of life who are all dedicated to our mission of breaking down the barriers that separate people through a variety of activities, journeys and experiences. From small, family-based groups to large, 100-person networks, Friendship Force clubs are the heart of our organization. They are the true testament of the power of friendship and understanding – qualities so desperately needed in our world today.
By joining one of our clubs, you open yourself to a world of opportunities to enrich your life by sharing your culture through traveling, hosting or volunteering.

Join a Club

Members from Friendship Force clubs facilitate our Journey programs. Typically, members from one club go to stay in the homes of members in another club for a few days or a week. The host club prepares an interesting itinerary filled with opportunities to get to know the local culture, along with some downtime so the ambassadors can get to know their hosts or explore on their own. In addition to Journey activities, club members usually meet monthly or bi-monthly to socialize or participate in service projects in their community. All club events are organized by a volunteer club board or committee. Clubs truly are the heart of our organization!

Start Your Own

If there isn’t a club in your area – why not start one? All you need is a small, core group of people who understand and embrace the mission of Friendship Force. Our mission is carried out through Friendship Force Journeys, programs which bring diverse people together into each other’s cultures and homes to share one-of-a-kind experiences. Together with support from the staff at FFI and volunteer club mentors, new clubs can be developed in almost any part of the world. Contact us now to find out how.

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